Play Smart 500 Stickers Activity BookYuka SatoOct 17, 2023Gakken's workbook for children ages 2–4, now on sale.Play Smart 500 Stickers Activity Book Around Our Town 2-4Play Smart 500 Stickers Activity Book Our Favorite Things 2-4Play Smart 500 Stickers Activity BookIllustrations by members of PALET'S.Here are some examples.Page with stickers of the same animal as the hidden animalPage with stickers that match what is hidden behind the alphabetSticker IllustrationsThey are sold in North America at local bookstores.Also available on Amazon.Amazon(USA)Amazon(Japan)Check it out if you like.
Gakken's workbook for children ages 2–4, now on sale.Play Smart 500 Stickers Activity Book Around Our Town 2-4Play Smart 500 Stickers Activity Book Our Favorite Things 2-4Play Smart 500 Stickers Activity BookIllustrations by members of PALET'S.Here are some examples.Page with stickers of the same animal as the hidden animalPage with stickers that match what is hidden behind the alphabetSticker IllustrationsThey are sold in North America at local bookstores.Also available on Amazon.Amazon(USA)Amazon(Japan)Check it out if you like.